
Sunday, November 3, 2019

2020 Updates and My Updated, Current Gear Lists

Introduction and General Updates

Another winter is just around the corner, and a new year soon after.  So I thought I'd give some quick updates as well as show off my new and improved gear lists.  These gear lists I don't see changing very much for the next few years at least, and that's how my gear lists have been for the past few years, with a few exceptions.  Overall I am very happy and confident in my dialed in kits, and hope to continue to get good use out of them.  

I still go out backpacking about as much as I have been doing the past half decade or so, which is not as much as I would like.  But this is changing, as most of the reason I had to cut back on my time spent on trail has been due to being a proud father of two.  Well the kids are growing up and slowly but surely I'm getting more free time back, so more solo trips are in the works for the future.  But of course my family and I all love nature, so we also spend a fair amount of time out there together, doing car camping, day hikes, and shorter backpacking trips.  All in all, I can't complain much.

But because I've had less free time due to family and work obligations, combined with the fact that my gear hasn't seen as many changes or experimentation due to being pretty contented with my kits, this has resulted in much less content here on my lil' old blog.  But there will still be trail guides and trip reports to come, and the occasional gear ramblings, some of which I will get to shortly.  

I will continue to slowly but surely chip away at The Troll Trail, which was/is a big project to undertake.  I am looking at this project as a long term commitment.  After I finish hiking and documenting the whole thing, the next step will be to spread the word and raise awareness.  This will probably take another half a decade at least, and perhaps more.