
Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer Updates

Just a quick post with some updates on what's going on with my blog.  

The big change as of late is that I have started to upload some videos onto Youtube, and have put a link to my channel in the tabs above.  I have several more videos in the works, but right now I have been too busy to create them.  But there will be more on the way eventually.  I was reluctant to do the whole Youtube thing, but so far I have to say I have been plesantly surprised by the experience, and it's a great addition to my blog.  

My next video will probably be all about the often challenging issue of shoes for long distance hiking, and I'll also go into more detail on my past and current shoes of choice for a given situation/trip.  As of now, my most popular text on this blog is still my exploration of minimalist/barefoot shoes, which you can check out to the right along with the rest of my most popular posts.